Tuesday 22 September 2015

WiRES X Node software up and running

Yaesu Fusion WiRES-X node connected, with software up and running on the newly acquired, refurbished DC7800. The hardest (longest) part of this install was upgrading to Windows 10 from a fresh install of Windows 7.

It was a long process of updating ... updating ... updating, but it seems to have been really worth it. Windows 10 is very impressive and has breathed new life into this old micro-desktop machine. Everything connected up first time, no driver issues, just plug and play. Very impressive. I had to manually configure port forwarding on my router to allow for all the traffic the node generates, but even that was pretty straightforward.

Just need to get the licence NoV for the Gateway frequency sorted out now.


  1. Can the X-Wires software be set up to restrict RF to internet traffic to just your own callsign only? IE not pass 3rd party traffic?

    1. Hi Steve,

      I have only just spotted this comment, so apologies for the very late reply.

      No. It doesn't have that option. Perhaps in a future firmware/software update? I should imagine it wouldn't be too hard for Yaesu to do.

      The way it currently works is if you want to run a user only RF node (ie. no NoV), you simply turn the TX output of the radio down to less than a watt in the service settings, then feed the radio into a dummy load. You can also assign a digital squelch code, so anyone else would have to be within a few meters of your radio and know the DSQ code to get access. As far as I can tell, Ofcom are OK with this, but as always. Check for yourself before doing anything.
